Wednesday, August 18, 2004


Having noticed a proliferation of blogs written by academics, I wondered where the voices of the (so-called) faculty wives were hiding.* Blogroll after blogroll I have searched for these hidden bearers of burden, but to no avail.

I know they exist.

You too can find proof that they exist.

Simply go to your local PhD-granting institution.

Find an academic department of your choice. Look for an unused dusty corner, or trip your way down into the dark and dank basement that smells of rot, and flip through some dissertations (odd, is it not, how it seems like the spine of this "work" remains intact?). You can generally find evidence within the first few pages.

I think my thank-you is on page iv..."To X and my family" Hey, wait a minute. There is no thank-you (I just pulled it off the shelf where it was pressing some summer flowers)! It is only a dedication...*sigh* oh well.

Anyway, my partner is just about to begin this new job...something called a ten-year track or something.

Just kidding--I have picked up the jargon, trust me, you have no choice as a faculty wife. I just can't even begin to discuss the whole tenure thing..not yet.

That will come soon enough (the discussion, not the tenure)

My first faculty wife duty is fast-approaching. Wish me luck!

*Not to be non-inclusive, I must point out that the term "faculty wife" has been used to refer to both men and women within earshot of yours truly. Because of pesky little things like gender roles, I am inclined to believe that it is more of an insult (rather than an expectation) if you are a male faculty wife...but what do I know? I do not have a PhD in these sorts of things, so my opinion doesn't count.

that sounded bitter, and as if things are all bad.
