Monday, September 20, 2004

As you may be able to tell, there has been nothing all that exciting going on in the life of the faculty wife. The social calender is experiencing a lull that is sure to be turned around once the holidays come about. Hopefully I will be back in Canukistan by that point, and will manage to miss some of the rush.

To be fair, I have met quite a few people that I do enjoy here. To be really fair, I guess I should say that most of the people I have met seem nice. It is really just me and my big ole bad attitude that makes me so negative.

Thanks for all the responses to the last post. Part of me thinks, wtf? Why do I even care about 'knowing' how to participate in dining 'rituals'? So that I can demonstrate that I belong? So I can make someone else feel like that need to learn this shit?

