Friday, August 27, 2004

JImbo asked for more details on the first event as the FW.

It was interesting.

I solved the clothing problem by just keeping on what I had worn downtown during the day, as did the partner.

We walked into the area and were directed to the table where row upon row of name tags glistened in the sun. Partner picked up appropriate name tag, listing name, department, and position. Partner then handed me one to put on. Right. Thanks. I resisted the urge to write in big letters "Faculty Wife" by shoving the name tag in the back pocket of my jeans.

We went to the room that was filled with the new faculty (plus vip)

Everyone we ran into was 'very' concerned that we had not yet picked up the glass of liquid courage and-oh wait-- I will describe some of it as if it was a passage from a (bad) book

"that is the only way to get through these sorts of things" someone whispered from behind. I quickly turned around and a pair of sharp blue eyes met with my own.

I said, "yes, maybe I will take up alcoholism, it seems like the vice of choice at these events" We both laughed a little, linked arms, and she led me away to the drink-laden table.

No, that didn't happen, but it would make for an interesting story....the scandal of it all...

Anyway, there really isn't all that much more to report. There were Important Speakers talking about how Important the Students were (because of the money they inject into the university) and the usual speeches about how great the university is and how great it will be in the future.

All in all, it was pretty painless. Except for when the partner introduced me to someone and told them that I blogged. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Please don't do that again partner.

We snuck out of there early and went home.

Almost 100% painfree.

In other news, having been a convert to the Bodum coffee press for some time now, imagine my joy when I discovered a travelling mug bodum. If I could only scrounge up the extra ten dollars to buy it, I could save on coffee costs in the long run, and never again have to drink crappy coffee again.