Thursday, September 23, 2004

Note to Self

When one of the partner's new faculty buddies comes over to the house for the first time, these are some of the things you might want to do:

Delete the cookies on the computer so when (as often happens) ya'all decide to share funny websites your blog doesn't keep popping up in the address bar.

Maybe make an effort to remove some/all of the propaganda from the fridge. Perhaps the Bushes Against Bush patch, some anarchy and rainbow kitty magnets, anti-war, anti-bush, pro-gay marriage, pro-feminist things littered about may make some a bit uneasy (well, it's their own damn problem really, not my own).

Maybe put some of the books you have with highly sexualized covers(Tales from the Clit, WhoreCarnival, Her Tongue on My Theory, )in a discrete least until I can remember this person's name.

I know, all of these don't really matter (except maybe the cookies thing), but our visitor tonight looked a bit...startled to see all of this stuff lying around. Oops.